News list for " ande"

Fed Governor Bowman: Neutral rate has risen since COVID-19 pandemic

The neutral level of the central bank's policy rate may have risen since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Bowman, a Federal Reserve governor. Several factors, such as low borrowing costs and supportive fiscal policy, immediately took hold in the wake of the pandemic, according to Bowman, which kept the U.S. economy on a mostly solid footing even after the Fed's big rate hikes in 2021 and 2022. The same factors could cause the so-called neutral rate to rise. Economists also refer to this level...

2025-03-07 15:32:35
Evergrande Property: Net profit is expected to decrease by 28.4% -37.3% year-on-year in 2024.

On March 7, Hengda Property (06666.HK) Announcement, based on the preliminary assessment of the Group's unaudited consolidated management accounts for the year ended December 31, 2024 and the information currently available to the Company, it is expected that for the year ended December 31, 2024, the Group's unaudited consolidated income will be approximately RMB 12.65 billion to RMB 12.85 billion, an increase of approximately 1.3% to 2.9% compared to 2023. It is expected that for the year ended...

2025-03-07 12:04:11
Hong Kong government spokesperson: Do not misbelieve the online issuance of Hong Kong tokens by counterfeiting the Chief Executive. The incident has been referred to the police

According to the Hong Kong government press release, Hong Kong, a government spokesperson today cautioned against misbelieving the information about the launch of the National Hong Kong Coin on the blockchain announced by the online counterfeit Chief Executive. The Hong Kong government solemnly clarified that the information is by no means factual and deliberately fraudulent, and severely reprimanded the criminals who impersonated the Chief Executive for issuing misinformation. The spokesperson ...

2025-03-06 08:21:10
Zheng Commercial Exchange: Expand the scope of qualified foreign investors to participate in futures and options contracts such as manganese silicon and rapeseed meal

On February 28th, with the approval of the China Securities Supervision Commission, starting from the trading on March 4, 2025 (that is, the evening trading on March 3), Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange will expand the range of tradable products for qualified foreign institutional investors and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors (collectively referred to as qualified foreign investors), and open the following commodity futures and options contracts: p-xylene, bottle flakes, manganese sili...

2025-02-28 09:25:32
The Indian government has appointed Tuhin Kanta Pandey, the current finance minister, as the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India for a three-year term.

The Indian government has appointed Tuhin Kanta Pandey, the current finance minister, as the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India for a three-year term.

2025-02-27 17:57:17
印度政府任命现任财政部长图欣·坎塔·潘迪(Tuhin Kanta Pandey)为印度证券交易委员会主席,任期三年。

印度政府任命现任财政部长图欣·坎塔·潘迪(Tuhin Kanta Pandey)为印度证券交易委员会主席,任期三年。

2025-02-27 17:57:17
The Nasdaq Golden Dragon China index briefly widened its gains to more than 4 percent.

The Nasdaq Golden Dragon China index briefly widened its gains to more than 4 percent.

2025-02-21 15:11:58
The head of Aptos research questioned Monad's alleged plagiarism, and Monad Lianchuang refuted it

Aptos research director Alexander Spiegelman took to social media to question Monad's plagiarism of its technology, saying he did not understand why Monad spent a lot of time copying Aptos' technology, and that it was open-source and had peer-reviewed papers. In response, Monad co-founder James Hunsaker countered, saying that he had been working on software transactional memory (STM) in the Haskell environment for a long time, and that BlockSTM was just a simple extension of these technologies, ...

2025-02-20 02:17:26

Aptos研究主管Alexander Spiegelman在社交媒体发文质疑 Monad 抄袭其技术,称不理解Monad为何要花费大量时间抄袭Aptos的技术,并表示这些技术都是开源的且有经同行评审的论文。 对此,Monad联合创始人James Hunsaker予以反驳,称其早年就在Haskell环境中研究软件事务内存(STM),BlockSTM只是这些技术的简单扩展,并强调从未查看过任何Aptos的代码。

2025-02-20 02:17:26
Intel (INTC. O) continued to rise, expanding its gains to 14%, and its share price hit a new high since August last year.

Intel (INTC. O) continued to rise, expanding its gains to 14%, and its share price hit a new high since August last year.

2025-02-18 20:10:03
Spot gold expanded to 1.00% intraday gains, now reported at $2928.33/ounce.

Spot gold expanded to 1.00% intraday gains, now reported at $2928.33/ounce.

2025-02-18 14:59:08
Intel (INTC. O) initially rose to 10% after news that Intel may be split, and TSMC and Broadcom are considering taking over.

Intel (INTC. O) initially rose to 10% after news that Intel may be split, and TSMC and Broadcom are considering taking over.

2025-02-18 15:13:21
Baidu (09888.HK) extended losses to 8% in the afternoon, with turnover nearly 2.35 billion Hong Kong dollars, now trading at 88.85 Hong Kong dollars.

Baidu (09888.HK) extended losses to 8% in the afternoon, with turnover nearly 2.35 billion Hong Kong dollars, now trading at 88.85 Hong Kong dollars.

2025-02-17 05:05:13
Lawyers confirm that the United States has dropped all charges against former BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik

Arkady Bukh, a lawyer for former BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik, confirmed that the US had dropped the case against him after his release last week, and that the Northern District Court of California had confirmed that all charges against him would be dropped. "The judge granted our request and the case has been dropped," Mr. Bukh said. "We managed to reach an agreement with the prosecutor's office. At the hearing, the prosecutor's office agreed to drop the charges. Our client now has a clean r...

2025-02-17 04:52:43

7x24 Newsflash

07:56 2025-03-28
据Spot On Chain监测,在过去8小时内,两个新钱包以平均1,959美元的价格抛售了14,064枚ETH,换取了2750万DAI。他们的ETH都通过THORChain和Chainflip跨链桥,存在洗钱嫌疑。
07:44 2025-03-28
07:37 2025-03-28
据The Data Nerd监测,10小时前,一聪明投资者0xc27向Binance存入了1,100万枚MUBARAK(约合149万美元)和1,000万枚BROCCOLI(约合82.6万美元)。如果卖出上述所有代币,他将通过2种代币获利165万美元,尤其是投资回报率为x15.3的MUBARAK。
07:34 2025-03-28
07:31 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,据DefiLlama数据,Berachain生态DeFi协议TVL达33.51亿美元,过去一周增幅达15.76%。其中排名前三的协议分别为:流动性质押协议Infrared Finance、DEX协议Kodiak和DEX协议BEX。
07:28 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,收益交易协议Pendle在3月27日单日交易量创新高,超过5亿美元。Pendle联创@tn_pendle表示,即使Pendle成为成为业界领先的DeFi协议,但和传统金融相比,DeFi市场仍有巨大增长空间。 Pendle计划在2025年通过Citadels计划突破现有局限,致力连接传统金融市场资源,为各种类型的机构用户提供最优质的固定收益来源。截至发稿,Pendle TVL达34.33亿美元。
07:23 2025-03-28
07:23 2025-03-28
07:22 2025-03-28
加密分析师Miles Deutscher发推表示,目前加密市场中存在约3700万个代币,其中99.9%属于“空气项目”。他认为,仅有不到100个项目符合以下条件:拥有经验丰富的团队、对自家代币持长期看涨态度(净买入多于净卖出)、具备清晰的商业模式和实现可持续利润的路线图、找到真实的产品市场契合点或明确的路径、无论市场状...
07:22 2025-03-28
07:19 2025-03-28
LY Corporation澄清与Soneium未建立业务合作关系
3 月 28 日消息,LY Corporation 发布声明称,自 2025 年 3 月 12 日起,有媒体及社交平台报道称 LY Corporation 已与 Soneium 运营方达成业务合作。对此,LY Corporation 澄清表示,Soneium 虽宣布计划通过其平台使用 LINE API 与 LINE MINI Apps 拓展业务,但双方并未建立任何业务合作关系。 据悉,LY Corporation 旗下子公司 LINE NEXT Inc. 正运营 Web3 平台业务,并于 2025 年 1 月 22 日推出基于 LINE Messenger 与 Kaia...
07:18 2025-03-28
重要新闻1. 习近平会见国际工商界代表。2. 十部门:到2027年力争国内铝土矿资...
重要新闻1. 习近平会见国际工商界代表。2. 十部门:到2027年力争国内铝土矿资源量增长3%—5%。3. 市场监管总局将加快推进人工智能领域国家标准研制工作。4. 浦发银行消费贷“提额延期”,额度最高100万元。5. 深圳发布意见规范城市更新实施工作,审慎新增计划,建立房票制度。6. 新一代人造太阳实现“双亿度”,中国可控核聚变技术再突破。个股新闻1. 主力资金流向数据显示,雪人股份主力资金净流入5.69亿元居首位,大位科技、杭钢股份、北汽蓝谷、福达股份获主力资金净流入居前;新莱应材主力资金净流出5.52亿元居首位,华钰矿业、比亚迪、红宝丽、中芯国际主力资金净流出居前。2. 均胜电子:主要通过墨西哥工厂为北美供货。3. 东风集团:控股股东正在谋划和兵装旗下汽车板块进行重组。4. 茅台集团张德芹:要以开放姿态拥抱时代变革,激发中国白酒“创新活力”。5. 科大讯飞联合创始人、高级副总裁江涛:未来的人工智能将在教育、医疗等领域无限逼近人类专家水平。